Thursday, 26 April 2012

Choosing Theater Seating Layout

Every home theater room has a series of items that make the room original: the television setup, surround sound system and perhaps the most important product, the seats. From leather to fabric, every home theater room has some type of seating for guests to relax and enjoy a movie in.
Some recline, while others come with individual armrests and headrests for guests to enjoy. No matter which type you have, chances are the setup of your home theater room will differ from a friend’s or from one you happened to see in a magazine. Everyone will have to buy seats that accommodate the home as well as the number of guests they hope to seat.

Determining Your Layout

Before you set out to buy the seats, you first have to figure out where and how you’re going to accommodate everyone. Will you have three rows of two? Will your layout consist of individual seats or shared seating? Will your layout allow for curved seating to fit more seats, and if so, how many chairs can you fit inside a room?

All of these questions should be sorted out and determined before you visit a manufacturer for the seats. You should also take into consideration the measurements that a room will require. Some will allow for big, high end home theater chairs while other rooms will need smaller chairs to fit everyone.

Buying from a Company

It’s important to note that not all the companies you search for online will offer a range of seating arrangements to accommodate your guests. Some companies will offer the traditional two-seat setup, while others will permit you to pick from curved seating options that have 3-5 chairs per row. Every company has a different setup to accommodate clients, and it is often best to go with the business that serves your needs.

For example, all the Elite home theater furniture companies tend to offer single chairs, seats with two rows per chair, curved seating options and as many as five chairs per row. The more options you have at your disposal, the better off you are in designing the best room possible for you and your guests.

Remember, choosing new home theater seats starts at the layout level. Once you have a layout figured out, you can accommodate your home appropriately and fit everyone inside comfortably without much hassle.

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