Monday, 16 July 2012

Sensory Loss and the Elderly - Recognize the Signs

While all of our senses can become less noticeable as we age, the sense of touch can be the most dangerous. Without it, a lot of serious problems can develop. Here are two stories that emphasize that point.

The first is our elder. She has severe back pain and likes to use the various patch products that can give topical relief. One day, she looked into the mirror and saw deep red marks where the patch had been. She could also see burn blisters. If she hadn't looked in the mirror, the damage might have been worse. As it is, it took about three weeks for the burns to heal.

We tend to watch her use of electric blankets and heating pad. The latter can cause burns on the feet if they are turned up too high. Thus far, that hasn't happened.

The second is our elder's next door neighbor. For the last two months, she's had a wound on the top of her foot. Due to advanced dementia, she doesn't realize that it needs treatment. She keeps taking the bandages off. At this point, she may lose the foot... or her life.

The sense of touch is important. It tells us when something is causing damage to our skin, so we can stop doing whatever it is that's causing the problem. Without it, a lot of very bad things are likely to occur.

If you are caring for an elder, make sure to examine their skin on a regular basis, or have a doctor do it if it isn't appropriate for you. This can help prevent the loss of limbs and the loss of lives.

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