Monday, 16 July 2012

Organic Rose Gardening Dos and Don'ts

For all we know, you may have already been using organic rose gardening, but you just don't know it yet. This is one of the most effective and eco-friendly ways to grow roses. In layman's terms, organic rose gardening simply involves application of ONLY natural, organic and biodegradable materials to be used as fertilizers and pesticides to your roses. To be successful in growing roses organically, you just have to know what to do and what not to do.
Below are the dos and don'ts of growing roses organically.
The Dos:
1. You should make sure that you have managed the whole garden naturally or organically.
2. Always check your rose garden regularly. Make sure that you always know what's going on, so if a possible problem is in the process of developing, you'll be able to take action to it immediately. Remember to always do things naturally.
3. You must know which creatures are useful to your roses and which are not. Some insects might be essential to the growth of your roses.
4. Making habitats for wildlife is encouraged. Try creating a pond, a bird box or something that may provide shelter for wildlife that helps control pests.
5. Recycling your kitchen wastes is also important as well as recycling your garden wastes. Do it through compost heap. This will help the soil to be healthy and fertile.
6. Gather autumn leaves. When you've gathered enough leaves, you then turn them into leaf mould. This is also very useful for your organic rose garden.
7. To improve your garden's soil structure, you should apply organic materials that are bulky such as manure, compost and leaf mould. Also feed the soil with organic fertilizers and manures. This will help give the roses a complete food supply.
The Don'ts:
1. When you have already started organic rose gardening, there is no reason for you to use chemical methods in the future. Immediately resorting to chemical methods will be bad for the whole rose garden.
2. Never treat all creatures as pests. Some creatures are harmless and also some are also beneficial to the flowers.
3. Do not clean the entire garden perfectly. Excessive cleaning may drive the beneficial creatures away. These insects and creatures are essential to the growing roses organically.
4. Organic rose gardening never needs chemical sprays, so never ever use chemicals for sprays and pest control. Though chemicals may kill harmful creatures, these also endanger all other creatures around your rose garden.
5. Avoid throwing away garden waste and kitchen waste. These are useful to the garden and harmful to the environment if thrown away. Also never burn the autumn leaves. This will cause pollution to our atmosphere.
6. Don't water excessively. Too much watering will drown your roses and is not going to help them grow.
7. Weed killer sprays are also one of the most harmful solutions to the plants and creatures, so never use them. Organic way of growing roses needs only natural methods.
8. Do not cut the grass or lawns too much. Over doing this will prevent the growth of the grass and lets the weeds to take over.
If you are just willing to follow all the instructions written above, you will no longer have problems in organic rose gardening. Remember that natural is still the best.

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