Sunday, 20 November 2011

Taste, Everyone’s Favorite Sense : Believe that

When we were created, we were endowed with senses. Some people believe that we have five senses while others say seven or six. The ones that believe we have five senses say that the senses are; sight, touch, hearing, scent and taste. The ones that say six suggest; hearing, scent, taste, sight, touch and thought. The ones that say seven add intuition or rather telepathy to the mix. They say that this telepathy is only found in women that is why it is easy for a woman to tell if you are lying. This sense actually grows as the woman spends more and more time with you. If you are a man and you are fond of lying, you better start spending less time with your lady as she will soon be all over your case. Those nagging questions that you try to avoid not because they are nagging but because they are insinuating the truth will become boring music to your sense of hearing. This hearing is connected to the brain. The brain translates the message for you. The way it will interpret this message will determine your mood at that very moment. You will either become angry or you will start feeling guilty. Either way, you will eventually tell the truth. Now, for you to avoid this just be honest from the start or you can just avoid your woman as I said earlier. All these senses are directed to the brain and that is why you act the way you do at times; you feel pain when you touch something hot, you understand words when you see them on a book, you know your poop’s smell every time you go to the toilet and that is why you love pizza. The brain is a powerful tool. Imagine that you only use 20% of it. Imagine what you could accomplish if you use 100% of it. If you cannot imagine, watch the movie limitless.

All these senses are important but taste is actually the favorite. Imagine how you would feel if all you could do was just swallow food and not taste it. Trust me, it would not be fantastic. The creator knew this and it is why it is rare to find someone who cannot taste. It would be torture. You have a taste that is different from any other taste. You may like Indian food while someone else may like African food. This is simply because the flavor matters to you. Probably you are into Indian curry. If you really love Indian food then Rancho is the food for you. Rancho Cucamonga is great food that will surprise your taste buds. The chili is just right when you go to some restaurants. Rancho is also a restaurant by itself and will offer good service. After all, don’t you get a good appetite once you are welcomed into a hotel? As a matter of fact, the welcome acts as an appetizer and good restaurants know this. If you still have not believed that taste is your favorite sense, try this food at this restaurant.

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